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Diet Wolf - Top real wolf Nutrition

We all know that facts about wolves are wolves in one direction (can reproduce and their offspring are viable reproduction) and, equally important diet wolf, that dogs are  facts about wolves not wolves at all. Just try to teach a wolf "license" if it reaches a dead rabbit.

Two new studies highlight the social systems of domestic dogs and could help some of us decide what we feed our  diet wolf & dogs. First, Erik Wesson and colleagues compared the genes of facts about wolves and domestic dogs and found some interesting differences diet wolf.

 One difference is related to food: dogs have three genes that wolves do not play an important role in the digestion of starch (for those of you who are interested, genes are AMY, MGA and SSGT). This result confirms the hypothesis of "old dog" (Copping and others) that dogs derived from the wolves began to exploit a new diet wolf ecological niche.

 Human landfills and not any discharge, but it can. to landfill food containing residues that correlate with the onset of domestication of plants is a quote from  wolf habitat the document itself: "In light of the above results facts about wolves that describe the time and place of domestication of the dog, our results could suggest that the development of agriculture catalyzed by the domestication of wolfs. "

Obviously this is of great interest to geneticists and evolutionary biologists facts about wolves, but also for those of us who feed the animals daily facts about wolves.

 As you know diet wolf, some argue that wolves eat meat, especially beef, raw to it, and we must use the power of wild wolves menus bring our wolfs.

 At the risk of stirring the pot (so to speak!) diet wolf  In the ideal diet for wolfs , it would be advisable to remind the previous study that wolfs have evolved as omnivores who eat a bit of everything that makes facts about wolves 10 or 12 thousand years diet wolf.

This does not mean that the individual wolfs do better with a special diet. There is no doubt that some wolfs eat better "A" diet wolf, and other wolfs can not handle "A" and eat better "B." I'd say they have the messages are: 1) know your dog and 2) do not be seduced into allegations that a new dog food is best for your dog because "reproduces the diet of a wolf."

A second study, published in Ethnology, from the development of puppies and pets, and concluded that the differences in the period of socialization wolf habitat and the development of meaning may explain diet wolf, at least in part, why wolfs is much easier to socialize wolves. Kathryn Lord, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, suggests different behaviors are related to the first animals and the critical period of socialization sensory experiences. You can read a summary of it in Science Daily, but here are the basics: Although wolfs and wolves develop the ability to feel, see and hear at the same time argues that the critical period of socialization Lobos is a complete two weeks earlier than in wolfs.

 Especially, the Cubs are much more active in two weeks, while puppies are more or less pieces of goodness. Incredibly cute, but basically non-functional, as every farmer knows. Cubs begin their "critical period" around two weeks of age diet wolf, when they are also very active. Lord noted that the cubs begin to explore  wolf habitat their surroundings more than two weeks old, when they are not able to process sensory information were basically exploring an environment, while being deaf and blind. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Cubs have reacted very frightened when they were first able facts about wolves to see and listen to the stimuli.

On the other hand, wolfs puppies business began around four weeks of age, and generally do not respond to stimuli with great fear until much later in their development. This finding is interesting, but I suspect there is much more than that.

 For one, the Lord says that wolfs puppies learn that four weeks of life diet wolf, and not very accurate. As I have understood, the ear begins to open facts about wolves around 13-15 days and the pups start responding to the sounds soon after. It probably can not hear very well until three or four weeks old, but never mind that they can hear something sooner than that diet wolf.

What's new in the study of the Lord (and yes to do it) are his comments comparing the "fear factor" in wolf puppies facts about wolves and pets diet wolf.
 We have long known that diet wolfs  are much more than wolfs xenophobia (fear of new things), and the observations of Lord certainly add to our understanding of what drives this difference in behavior. Interesting things ... Hoping more out of the same laboratory diet wolf.

Meanwhile, a FUN! We had a great time on Facebook with a contest diet wolf, we started called "make the commitment."
We photographed Katie and Lily Willie "commit" to be the best diet wolfs that may be in 2013 and asked readers to send wolf habitat photos to Facebook diet wolf of their wolfs do the same. We picked ten of the best pictures and post them on Facebook.

The owner (and dogs) of the photo that receives the "like" has received a signed copy of special for the wolf habitat love of the dogs  facts about wolves favorite diet wolf toys and Willie diet wolf.

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