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Secret of football diet ~ footballers diet

The best solution for footballers is the footballers diet

Sports like football requires good footballers diet strength and conditioning to succeed footballers diet. This is achieved primarily by the continued focus in practice and gym workout key strength football diet.

Another important area that is often overlooked is the sports nutrition. Obviously, to give their best in training and competition football diet, the body must be functioning at its highest level, and for that you need a good  footballers diet management of energy release football diet.
With the trend are available in sports nutrition for athletes, it is now an essential feature of any exercise program football diet.
After considering several options available - sports I recommend giving these nutritional benefits listed below football diet. The areas covered are Hydration, Energy Fat-conversion football diet, recovery and muscle development football diet.
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What Can  eat a football player ?

Maintaining a healthy football diet does not guarantee a good performance in a game / practice footballers diet, but will improve the potential to reach a maximum level of performance  football diet. Here is some information about the types of foods that a football player would ideally try to eat and use.Playing any kind of sport involves physical exertion us and a big waste of energy football diet.
So you have to take good care of food and know footballers diet what types of foods we should eat to be in great shape football diet.
Here we give the pattern of a diet for a professional athlete football diet.

Foods containing carbohydrates, fats and other important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates football diet

Carbohydrates may be divided into a simple or complex. Examples of these two types of carbohydrate listed below.

Simple carbohydrates complex carbohydrates
(Sweets / candy) low-fat confectionery Potatoes
Tarts Vegetables
Grain white sugar
Pan Jam
Soft drinks (eg Coca-Cola) Spaghetti / Pasta / Rice / football diet / footballers diet

The first hours after exercise simple carbohydrates  football diet can be used to reconstruct the blood sugar (glycogen) at a faster rate. After 24 hours, however, there is no difference between the two types footballers diet of carbohydrates football diet. Complex carbohydrates have a higher high nutritional value, as it also contains minerals football diet , vitamins and fiber, so it should be preferred football diet.

It is important that players football diet consists of a high proportion of carbohydrates. Here are some suggestions on how to increase the daily intake of carbohydrates.

• Eat a lot of potatoes, pasta, rice or a hot meal
• Eating large portions of vegetables
Cooked or raw vegetables with a hot meal and footballers diet
Raw vegetables as a snack between meals and in addition to lunch
• Eat plenty of bread
Cut thick slices
make sandwiches
eat bread with a hot meal
• Eat plenty of fruits
as a snack between meals
for dessert
with cereals


It is primary used for the formation of tissues, such as muscle. And this can be found in the following foods:

• Eggs
• Milk
• Meat
• Fish

It is also found in vegetables and grain products (vegetable protein).


Here are some easy to find in guidebooks power inverter:
• Limit consumption of fries, chips, etc.
substitute baked potato
• Limit the use of butter
margarine substitute
• Limit the amount of whipped cream, cream cheese, etc.
replaced by substitutes that are low in fat, and low fat yogurt
• Limit the use of margarine for cooking and frying
substitute vegetable oil
• Limit consumption of meats, sauces and other fatty foods
• Limit consumption of whole milk fat
Replace with low-fat milk or skim preferably

Minerals and vitamins

Food and drinks provide football diet the body fluids, producers of energy substrates, and other important elements, such as salt, minerals and vitamins football diet.

In a well balanced diet, most of the footballers diet nutrients are supplied in sufficient quantities football diet.
One of them is the iron found in the following foods football diet:

• animal organs (liver, heart and kidneys)
• Dried fruits
• Pain
• Nuts
• Strawberries

A footballer Diet

An example of the power of a professional football player for a day described in detail here. Is well-balanced diet, which provides sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Power: Four slices of white bread with jam, whole meal bread Roll with a little butter and jam, with two small pots of yoghurt.
Medium: Two cups of tea (no sugar)

Power: Four slices of bread with a little butter, one egg, two tomatoes, two packets of raisins, two bananas and a bowl of salad.
Medium: three glasses of skim milk and a cup of coffee (no sugar)

Lunch: A bowl of spaghetti (large) with minced meat (beef), half an onion, a can of peeled tomatoes and a salad plate.
Medium: Two glasses of skim milk.

Three main meals provide an energy intake of about 80% of each day, 63% from carbohydrate intake. The remaining energy was obtained from snacking between meals.


Food: an apple, a packet of raisins, a bag of candy
Medium: Two cups of coffee (no sugar) and a liter of juice.

Total for the day: 70% carbohydrate. 17% fat and 13% protein.

Fluid intake

Recommendations for fluid intake that could be useful for a player

• Drink plenty of fluids during the day to quench your thirst
• Drink only small amounts in one take no more than 300 ml every 15 minutes during the sessions and matches.
• Drink plenty of fluids after a workout / game - even several hours after
• Experiment with the amount of water you drink during training sessions to work on the best contribution you own needs.

Water is the best fluid to drink during the training program, as no added sugar supplements.
Beverages like colas and frizzy drinks are not recommended, as it takes longer to enter football diet the bloodstream.

I hope this document will give you some footballers diet decent information for what is good and bad foods, a player must choose to eat and drink before and after practices and games. A well balanced diet can help optimize performance during training and during games. All information contained in the document is a guide to football training and sports nutrition aspect footballers diet, and should not be used as a rule for the consumption of food and liquids football diet.

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