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3 things about Money Conversation Parents

New students of first year can be stored on school supplies, bedroom furniture and the latest high-tech gadgets Money Conversation Parents, but also must be equipped with proper financial management before going to school.

According to a recent survey of 40,000 freshmen, led by technology company EverFi education, students are already risky behaviors that monetary freshmen Money Conversation Parents.

Population of students who had a credit card, 23.7% have more than $ 1,000 in credit card debt, 35% usually only minimum payments and pay a 7.5% admit at least one bill late once in the past year.

Discuss the financial responsibilities and a negative impact on the financial habits can help prevent students become buried in debt and establish fiscal responsibility Money Conversation Parents, which continues through adulthood.

"When they came out, and with themselves, if they have those skills down, they are really behind and a disadvantage," says Robert Stammers, director Money Conversation Parents of investor education for the CFA Institute. "It is important that parents take the time to use [the university] to really start implementing financial standards such and use it as a learning Money Conversation Parents experience."

To avoid panic in the middle of the semester, the four financial experts say that family problems should be discussed before students leave school Money Conversation Parents.

Topic 1: Determine the financial obligations

Creating a budget and determine which party is responsible for costs that can help you avoid overspending and delays in payments Money Conversation Parents.

If parents to financially support their children Money Conversation Parents, do a "needs vs. wants" list can help students better understand how to live within their means, says CEO Steven Smith Finicity maker program management Mvelopes money financial planning.

"The purchase of approved could include food, transportation costs required and a specific amount for the clothes," he said. Be sure to set limits on  financial planningwhat is considered appropriate for each category of expenditure Money Conversation Parents.

If students are going to work during the school year, it is important to discuss the expectations of how students work and how much to contribute to Money Conversation Parents college costs, says Scott Halliwell, USAA certified financial planner.

"It's great for [students] in the management of your finances so you can gain the knowledge," I made myself this money and this is not just my parents gave it to me "- it really helps with some skills equilibrium real life, "he said Money Conversation Parents.

Topic 2: Discuss expectations regarding the use of credit cards

Using a credit card charge is one of the biggest problems for students, according to experts.

With the 2009 CARD Act in place Money Conversation Parents, students will probably sign a partner with respect to your credit card account, or becoming a parent authorized card user Money Conversation Parents.

Halliwell warns parents that could jeopardize your credit by co-signing your child without determining when it is acceptable to drop a purchase.

"This does not mean that you should not [co-sign], but if you do, make sure you and your child understand what is responsible and what is at risk if you do not take care of it" Money Conversation Parents, said.

Establish a policy of "emergency only" keeps the temptation to a minimum and prevent students accumulate debt discretionary spending, recommended Stammers.

Item 3: Joint Educational Credit Limits

Have a discussion about student loan debt at the beginning of college can help avoid debt and panic when it is time for students to begin the refund process.

Smith suggests  Money Conversation Parents creating a spending plan that describes what the loan should and should not be used, and how students  financial planning can expect  Money Conversation Parents to pay a month after graduating with a loan amortization calculator.

"Helping you understand how long it will take to pay and how much of your monthly budget will be bound in graduate student loan payment Money Conversation Parents, hope to help them to be financially responsible in college," he said financial planning.

Having raised the issue of student loan debt from the beginning also can shape the experience of students during the school year, said Jonathan Clements, Director of Financial Education for Citi Personal Wealth Management.

"You can focus on earning extra money to not end just as much in loans you have to be very focused to try to  financial planninggraduate in four years Money Conversation Parents so you do not end up with unnecessarily large amount loans, and you may want to take into account Money Conversation Parents in its decision about your major, "he said.

Topic # 4: You have a backup Back-Up Plan

Everyone has financial mistakes, and parents should set parameters on when they are ready to step in and help if a student financial planning receives financial constraints.

"If parents are smart, they will tell their teens to college to call at the first sign of financial trouble, because if the problem is starting Money Conversation Parents, it may be much easier to solve if left hanging for months and months" said Clements.

Although it is ultimately the parent's decision on how they choose to handle the situation, which allows students to learn Money Conversation Parents from their mistakes and how to fix first part is an invaluable lesson, said Stammers financial planning.

"The reality is that you will receive calls anyway, and will not let their children starve or run out of money," he said. "But as the experience of not managing your money well, you will find that you get fewer calls, because it put the onus on them Money Conversation Parents."

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