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The Top five Steps to Financial Success and investing money

The average person (and perhaps lazy) is the safe and stable to wealth and happiness.
The "secret" to better manage money and maybe even the "wealth" Financial Success. No, there really is no secret. This is common sense Financial Success.
I've seen statistics showing that 95% of Americans having worked all their lives to retire with less than $ 2,500 in cash Financial Success. Amazing! Do not be one of the 95% of the population dependent on the government Financial Success, charity

or family to maintain a minimum standard of living for retirement.

Now, how ...


Find a quiet place (like the forest or in a desert) and let the inner voice Financial Success, even talk to you. What do you really want out of life: is happiness, health, money, financial security, Financial Success, or doing good works, being a good parent, wife, husband, etc? Set goals for all areas of your life: family, work, leisure, sports, spiritual, etc.. Where will you be 1,2,3,5 speeds time. Then type.

Let your imagination "unchained". Think again "impossible" may be much closer than you think.

"To dream the impossible dream."

"What the mind can conceive, it can achieve." - Goethe

All I wanted ardently, enthusiastically act that must inevitably occur. "

The main points:

* Without financial independence, you're a slave to money.

* Achieve financial independence will take time, dedication and hard work ... but worth it in the end.

* Remember, money is not everything Financial Success. It has been said that "money is the root of all evil", but only an obsession and love for the money itself, I think, is a mistake. Considerable amounts of money can be used for charitable purposes Financial Success, if that is your wish ... but "charity begins at home."

* Almost everyone has the ability to succeed, but very few have the desire and commitment to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve wealth Financial Success.

1. Accept that you can achieve financial success and make a commitment to yourself to do so. It is within your reach if you really want it Financial Success. I really think - this is the most important step. It is only then that the incredible power of the human mind works in a way to achieve it. I reject the idea that work is something you have to do until retirement age.

Two. Ask yourself this: Where you want to be in 2,5,10 years? Set goals that excite you. If you could do something with your life, what would you do Financial Success. If you had unlimited money or learn that only had one month to live, what would you do? Write them down.

Three. Set your current financial situation Financial Success. What is the cash inflows and outflows. Horrors! What areas can be improved? Everything!

April. Develop new plans. Decide what steps it will take to move closer to achieving your goals? All goals should be specific and have a time constraint.

May. Monitor the performance of their investments and savings rate.

June. Try to make additional savings of investment (which could be your own business)

July. Review and will reward you every year if the  investing money objectives are achieved.

August. Pursuing personal goals and business ideas with all you have. With a passion and a purpose. If you really believe in them Financial Success, they are much more likely to be achieved.

9. Always try to live a balanced life ... or as balanced as possible investing money. Money can not buy happiness, but I'd rather be miserable in comfort!

10. The higher cost of all is the cost of waiting to take action to change the situation in life (as 94% of the population, apparently not satisfied  investing money with their situation. This is to do things differently. So to act now to change course Financial Success. only get one chance at life, so enjoy it.

As a reminder ... ... In row

Three legs to enrich

As the three legs of a stool. All are equally important to  investing money ensure financial independence. The key:

Earn money + save + FINANCIAL SUCCESS invest wisely =

Having a plan and put it into action.

"People do not plan to fail, but not for the plan."

Always remember Financial Success,

* True prosperity is created from within. All wealth is created in the mind. You're so rich, happy or as prosperous as you feel ... and that makes investing money the mind to be. And money is not everything. For me, health, family and happiness are the most important considerations investing money.


In closing ...

NB: 99% of the population do not achieve financial success, as they have no real desire to achieve financial independence Financial Success. I think they're too busy earning a living to survive to really think about how to make lots of money. Really use the unlimited power of your creative imagination. However investing money, it takes a big commitment of time, money and energy and patience to achieve maximum financial independence investing money. So make the effort and invest in yourself first. Because (I can start a sentence with "because") which is the best investment you can make in life investing money!

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