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Toyota Financial Services (TFS) announced today that George Borst, the leading U.S. 16 years, will retire as September 30, 2013, after which he will take over as Executive Advisor until the end of calendar year 2014 finance toyota. Borst named to replace Mike Groff finance toyota, currently Senior Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Product Development at TFS toyota financing.

"Mike has been an integral part of the achievements of this company for 30 years," said Borst. "With his extensive knowledge of  toyota financing the industry, his long association with our distributors and strong, and a history of proven leadership in the two best and most difficult years, this company has experienced finance toyota, I know he will guide you into TFS even more successfulfinance toyota. "

Borst joined Toyota Motor Sales (TMS) in 1985 as director of corporate marketing. He was then charged with creating a strategic planning toyota financing department for Toyota and supervision of the planning group Toyota production finance toyota. He then spent several years as general manager of the Lexus division finance toyota.

 Borst was named to head the TFS 1997. In 2001, formally separate TFS Toyota Motor Sales, Borst was named president and CEO of the new company. Edited by Borst finance toyota, TFS has grown from a company with 20 billion toyota financing of assets to become one of the largest in the country, and captive finance companies valued finance toyota. TFS has about four million active customers, total assets of more than $ 95 billion and employs more than 3,200 employees across the country finance toyota.

Borst has earned the respect and honor associated companies, businesses and nonprofit partners, and industry analysts. In 2012, Automotive News named coveted Borst Automotive News All-Star list for the second time. In 2011, he was the only person awarded an Excellence Award Posted auto finance Auto Finance News finance toyota.

 Furthermore, in recognition of the commitment of Borst diversity and inclusion at all levels of the company, was honored with the CEO Leadership  toyota financing Award 2011 presented by the diversity diversity best practices. In 2012, TFS returned to qualify for a coveted rating of 100% on the published by the Corporate Equality Index from the Human Rights Campaign. In 2013, women in connection Leadership Institute toyota financing announced that CEO Borst will receive the award in recognition of his outstanding commitment to advancing women leaders finance toyota.

Furthermore, Borst led the company's philanthropic efforts to a new level, both in terms of dollars donated and volunteer hours in the community served. Last year, Borst ordered the company to triple its scholarship funds for toyota financing students at risk and underserved high school students for $ 1 million per year finance toyota. Borst and TFS have received numerous awards from organizations like Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

During the past five years, Groff led the Organization TFS sales, auto finance manager 30 Dealer Sales and service offices, three regional offices, as well as product management, remarketing, Marketing and National Accounts. In addition finance toyota, TFS is responsible for trade finance and management providers offices in the United States finance toyota. Groff is a member of the Board of Toyota Motor Credit Corporation and Toyota Motor Management Board Insurance Services.

Groff joined Toyota in 1983 and has held positions in the field, including TFS branch manager and regional director, and seat positions including TMIS toyota financing National Product Group Director, Corporate Marketing and Leasing Director finance toyota, Vice President and corporate vice president of customer service strategy.

"I was privileged to be part of TFS since its inception," said Groff. "I am very honored and pleased to continue and expand  toyota financing the vision and mission established by George and our more than 3,200 employees across the country. Together finance toyota, we TFS is still the industry leader and the" couple always strong and lender of choice for our dealers and customers.

In addition to his responsibilities TFS, Groff is a member of the Board of RouteOne, which is jointly owned by FMCC, Ally, TD and TFS. In 2012 finance toyota, he received the Groff Auto Finance Excellence in Service to the Community News car financing. It is also National Director of Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

Groff received a Bachelor of Business Administration from California State University, Fullerton, and a Masters in Business Administration from Chapman University in Orange finance toyota, California

The purchase of a share or shares in a company means that you become an important part of the business property. You get to benefit when the business running smoothly and get a share of the benefits that are given to you in the form of dividends from time to time. By keeping an eye on the performance of their actions and keep abreast of changes that may occur, you get to share valuable investment of the investment objectives of your business organization.

The types of actions that you can buy in the stock market and the common shares in the industrial sector as well as small and large caps. Making an investment in a share of a company or from different companies is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. It requires a lot of money to start your investment. The stock market is also flexible enough to sell the stock when the market goes up or hold on to them for long periods of time. The purpose of the purchase of shares for many people is to make a profit when the value of the stock increases.

People are afraid of investing in stocks and have the fear that they may end up losing your hard earned money. The fear has arisen due to the stock market crash in 1929, which changed the structure of holdings in Western society for a long time to come. However, keep in mind that the stock market can get higher than keeping money in a bank account for the same period returns. An important point to consider is that the future evolution of the stock market does not depend on its past performance.

And the benefits that the market can offer, there are risks that must be considered. The risks faced when deciding to invest in shares arise when the performance of the company does not run as expected. This will result in the shares of the company will not increase as expected, or even fall. Therefore, the return on equity should be monitored closely by a broker so you can evaluate whether units in mutual funds is the right choice for you. You should get in touch with an experienced broker who has been in the market for some time so that you get to know the trends and market expectations thanks to them. You can also buy and sell shares at anytime by these intermediaries. These operations can be done by telephone or electronically through the Internet, as there are a number of online brokers available.

Fluctuating world economies give you plenty of opportunities to make big profits when the save is through careful monitoring. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners prefer to invest in stocks so they get to benefit from the growth of their populations that can be injected into your growing business. You should consult a financial advisor so that you know how and bonds are the best choice for you.

With rewards debit card on the decline and rewards credit cards offer greater incentives for enrollment and better rewards, many owners plan to redeem these rewards rewards credit cards to finance the summer holidays. According to the Capital One Rewards Barometer, a quarterly survey of U.S. consumers, half of respondents plan to pay a summer trip at least a portion of their travel expenses using rewards, compared with 42 percent of the last year.
Although airlines tighten their belts and increase costs, some credit card holders carriers now have additional benefits. "The airlines have started charging for more things, but with an airline rewards credit card, you can do things like your first bag and priority boarding," says Erik Larson, president and founder of, offering consumer-oriented research on credit cards and other products.
However, the credit card rewards often have higher interest rates and rates of traditional cards, so do not make financial sense for everyone. Here's a look at how smart holders earn rewards points or miles, without accumulating debt.
1. Choosing the right card for your needs. Before signing up for a rewards card, analyze your spending habits and see where and how you use credit. Are you a frequent traveler to a given airline because you live in a center? Or do you tend to spend more on food and gasoline? Choose your card accordingly. "If you sign up for really big bonus points with an airline, may not be the best card in the long run if you use this company," says Amber Stubbs, Senior Editor CardRatings card comparison site credit. com.
Also know the costs associated with the card. Airline Rewards cards are more likely to pay an annual fee because their owners tend to be loyal. "If the card is used often, the annual rate is usually not a problem because you can get much more of it as you go," said Stubbs. "If you are a light user, you must do the math. Often you have to spend thousands of dollars before the balance."
Also, the complexity of the points or rewards redemption process is. If in doubt, Larson recommend getting a card that offers cash, because "it is very clear what you get for what you spend. With other cards, it's a little more difficult to understand."
Two. Pay off the balance each month. Apart from choosing the wrong card for your needs, the biggest mistake benefits cardholders can do is get a balance. According to Larson, the APR would be of 2-4 points lower in non-rewards card, so a balance from one card Reward expenses.
John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education at, compare rewards programs for a buffet. "There is a person who eats a lot and a lot of people who are not going to eat almost $ 7.99 of food, and these people balancing big eaters" he said. If you carry a balance on a rewards card, you are essentially subsidizing its own rewards and awards from other owners.
Three. Avoid running awards. For some consumers, rewards cards create an excuse to spend more on the search for miles or points. This can lead to financial problems if you are not able to pay the balance. Stubbs suggests that the processing of your credit card as a bank account. "Look who it is about," he said. "If more than half of your budget and what is in the middle of the month, you know that you need to control spending. When you are about to check out, ask yourself:" I would be happy to put in my debit card? "If the answer is no, then you may want to rethink the purchase.

The rise of electronic payments has revolutionized the way people spend money. But with debit cards and mobile payment systems that is gaining popularity, it is easy to forget the many benefits that credit cards have on the old ways of most recent payment.
As Bill Hardekopf of said recently, as long as you pay your balance each month (admittedly, a book), with a credit card is often the smarter way to pay. Let's look at some of the features of the most beneficial credit card.
1. Dispute resolution easy. Credit cards offer general protection in the event your card is used for fraudulent transactions, including a dispute resolution process and established the maximum liability limits. Contrary to what many think, the only debit card purchases dispute erroneous, but unlike credit cards, the money usually has already left your bank account when you see a debit card transaction wrong. The credit card companies will immediately credit your account with the disputed amount until the dispute is resolved.
2. Best cash or travel rewards. Some debit cards have entered the game rewards, but credit cards still have a lot of back and forth the best benefits for frequent users. Money for airline miles and other benefits, to obtain between 1 percent and 2 percent of their costs back in the form of rewards is common with the best credit card rewards programs. You can often do better with cards that specialize in certain types of purchases, such as gas or travel.
3.from having to pay the insurance that the rental companies offer coverage. Most rental car acts of credit card insurance as a safety net for current insurance coverage, so there is expected to help you avoid having to file a claim with your regular insurance company. But with many provisions damage waiver fee is $ 25 per day or more at the rental counter, insurance based on credit card can be a real money saver.

1. Put more money in your retirement. The best way to reduce your taxable income is to save for retirement with IRA 401 (k) and other tax-advantaged accounts for retirement savings. The board at the top of our list because the amount you can save is big enough to have a real impact on your taxes. All children under 50 can save $ 17,500 a 401 (k) this year and another $ 5,500 in an IRA. If you have 50 years or more, these limits are even higher, reaching a maximum of $ 23,000 for 401 (k) s, and $ 6,500 for IRA. Its use in combination may cut thousands of your tax bill.
2. Keep winning more investment. When the stock market is rising, many people sell off their winners quickly to ensure that their paper profits turn into losses. But this form of short-term thinking allows you to pay much higher rates in the short-term benefits, with some lost more than half of their income to federal and state taxpayers. If you hold the investment to earn more than a year, you get much lower rates of capital gains in the long term, which can reduce income taxes by half your bill - or even completely eliminate for some low-income taxpayers.
3. Check out the tax-free municipal bonds. With these low interest rates they are paying taxes insignificant amount of income you can earn from bank CDs and bonds most only adds insult to injury. But, especially if you are on a level high enough taxes, you have to take a closer look at the tax-free municipal bonds for income. Currently, the Muni bond market is in a somewhat unusual position in which the benefits are greater than what you get from bank accounts insured by the FDIC or Treasury, even before taking into account tax benefit. So do not ignore municipal bonds as a potential source of valuable income and tax savings.
4.check at the end of the year, but may have had to pay penalties and interest. Push your refusal to have enough money braked to avoid penalties is a smart move. Remember to have lots moderation is also a mistake, as it basically gives the IRS an interest free loan of your hard earned salary.
5. Become familiar with tax credits and deductions. The tax code has a wide range of provisions that allow you to reduce your tax liability, but if you do not know about them, you can take advantage of them. Deductions and tax credits are available in spending costs childcare and charitable donations and spending on upgrades, so make sure to make the most of the expenses already do this year.

Most people believe that getting rich instantly solve all your financial problems forever. However, as the rich are well aware Stay rich, can be equally difficult to hang on his wealth was going to win first place.

There are countless stories of lottery winners, the highly paid professional athletes, and celebrities that show the journey from rags to riches often proves to be a trip back to misery.

If you have aspirations of becoming rich in the future or fate of long gone, there are steps you can take to avoid becoming another story of rags to riches to rags Stay rich. This is mainly to protect their money five murderers common fortune.

Challenge 1: fighting the IRS.

The threat: high-income people pay higher rates on their taxes. Also, after his death, the IRS will be waiting to collect their share of your estate with inheritance tax rates currently up to 40 percent for those with assets of more than 5 Stay rich, $ 25 million Stay rich.

The solution: Enjoy retirement accounts with tax advantages as IRA and 401 (k) s of income in the tax haven. They also seek planning attorney can help you structure your legal issues to minimize the amount of inheritance tax you owe Stay rich. A good professional can lead to a combination of grants and complex financial strategies to get the most out of your money as possible for your family Stay rich.

Challenge 2: stay away from the Fortune Hunters legal obligations.

Threat: The more you are rich, you have more to lose from a potential lawsuit. Individual incidents, such as accidents or slip and falls domestic car can become a search for a destination with a lot of money Stay rich.

The solution: Make sure you have adequate insurance coverage Stay rich to manage the entire damage. At a minimum, make sure your auto insurance policy gives more than the legal minimum coverage your state, and look at the limits of your insurance policy to make sure they are suitable. Also, consider a liability policy extended to cover additional overtime demands Stay rich.

Challenge # 3: Do not be tempted by exotic investments.

The threat: the rich are often the access to high-risk investments that offer the promise of greater wealth. Too often Stay rich, however, these investment opportunities are found to be excessive or fraudulent, resulting in large losses.
Solution: Try to get rich is a hard habit to break, even for the rich. But if you have enough money to meet all your needs, do not pay to take big risks with your wallet. Rein in risk taking and provide a core of safe investments to meet their financial needs. If you have money to spare and can afford to lose, then dabbling in high-risk opportunities is always excited about their investments without putting your life in danger Stay rich.

Challenge 4: pay these notes.

Threat: How many rich people borrowing money is cheap and make a big profit on it. However, instead of paying their debt once they reach the rich, successful people tend to keep using the same strategies to find even more wealth Stay rich, the indebtedness of its newly acquired assets and put their assets at risk.

The solution: The reorganization of your finances once you feel comfortable is essential to avoid losing everything you've won. Reducing debt and establish a baseline of wealth below which even the worst scenarios will not take Stay rich, you can avoid the trap of using too much leverage and suffering huge losses as a result.

Challenge 5: Plan to live forever - or at least maintained during much good.

The threat: With a longer life expectancy than ever and large medical expenses, even the wealthy may outlive their money and end up spending all your assets in the nursing home and hospital care in their old age. Even basic living expenses increase more often after retirement Stay rich, and if you spend too early to retire Stay rich, you may be in a downward spiral with little money Stay rich.

The solution is a combination of strategies can help you maintain at least a basic income, no matter what the future holds Stay rich. Sure long-term care refers specifically to the costs of nursing home care and home health care while buying an immediate annuity converts a lump sum of wealth in the monthly rent that is guaranteed to last the rest of your life Stay rich.

When Linda Mannerberg attended the Conference of money for women in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2012, has been struggling with debt and gambling addiction hid from his neighbor. She attended the conference this year, in April 2013, but this time she was in a completely different place. He received a standing ovation for turning your financial life in a single year.
Like many other women at the conference praised its success, I was deeply moved by the story of Linda and asked if I could share with our readers. She agreed, but said he did not think it was a big deal. I told him I did not agree. This is his story:
When I arrived at the conference last year, I was in a lot of debt. I had the credit card debt, car loans and payday loans. I would be paid and pay the interest on the payday loan, but not enough to pay the loans.
I also had a gambling addiction - I woke up in the middle of the night to play.
My boyfriend and I have lived in Las Vegas about nine years. When we moved here, a new casino held a slot tournament. It has nothing to join, if it costs a friend and I decided to go. I found myself in the final and won $ 5,000. It was then that my problem with the game began. I thought that if I won, so I can win again.
Of course, I never did.
In fact, this year, when we went to the casinos to make our tax gambling losses, I was shocked. It showed that I lost $ 35,000 with all the casinos. I used to play slot machines Penny and I could not stop thinking. "I was playing 40 cents at a time", but he adds.
Keeping Secrets
No one knew of my financial problems. I hid them from my parents and my boyfriend. We've been together 22 years, and he has no idea. I followed everything to me. We have our own checking and savings, so we did not know what was happening.
So I listened carefully at the conference, and took many notes. I knew I had to change, because if it did, it would be worse. I sat with my boyfriend and told him the whole story. He was sure he was going to throw me in the street, but was very good at it.
He said he would help me, but I needed to follow what he said. He took my money. I cashed my check and gave. He paid the payday loans and resumed my payments on other loans and gave me enough money to put gas in the car or whatever.
Finally, after six months, we decided that I could open a savings account - but he said he wanted to see how he could do. I think I did prove to myself that I could get without spending money.
Getting Help
After the conference, I also spoke with a friend at work about my problem. She told me that I would be surprised to see how many people are players, and I have to talk to one of my colleagues, I was surprised, also had a gambling problem. She took me to the players Anonymous meetings.
Now I do not want to be in most casinos. If I get a game I call a friend, or stay at home and not seen.
Last year when this happened, I had about $ 12,000. Since then, I've paid my boyfriend all the money spent to pay my debts. Only I have student loans and my car loan now.
After the Conference the first woman money, I ordered my credit card without ISR see my credit score and my boyfriend. Once a month, we look to see if my credit scores are better.
Recently, I need a new car, so I applied online to see what I could get. When I found out that I qualified for a car loan at 2.9 percent, I began to mourn. My last car loan at a rate of 9 percent. We ended up buying my car at a dealership in Utah, 404 miles away, because it saved me $ 3000. Now carefully investigate things.
I recently opened my own checking account. My goals now are to double my payments on my student loans and cars. My boyfriend is going to prepare for retirement and want to be able to retire, too. Ready for retirement is my goal now.

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